Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How to Attract Teenage Girls

For teenage boys, dating has never been easy. If women are commonly known to be impulsive and indecisive, imagine them during their pubertal years. They would be the goddesses of impulsiveness and indecisiveness.

What makes it difficult for the teenage boys to mingle with teenage girls is their attitude. Most of them tend to be aggressive and they change their minds more often like they were only changing clothes. However, such situation is understandable. This is due to the changing hormones taking place wherein it affects her moods.
If you are having troubles in dating them, here are some tips on how to attract teenage girls.
Appear confident

An important secret on how to attract teenage girls is being confident. Girls tend to like boys that know how to handle themselves. Confidence can get you a long way. Just do not over wear it. If you do, you might come off as arrogant and conceited.

Another way to gather confidence is to do exercise or workouts. Teenage girls may seem to like boys who have healthy and good body figure.

Do the first move

Girls like it when boys come up to them and ask for their digits. A teenage girl prefers to be chased than to do the chasing. She would feel flattered when you approach her first. Remember when early poets get a lot of girls just by using flattering words.

Act mature

Indeed no girl in her right mind wants to date her younger brother. So do not act like one. Be mature enough to understand her situation and listen to her reasons and dilemmas because teenage girls seem to have lots of it.

Another important reminder on how to attract teenage girls is to give them all the attention they can get. Teenage girls seem to crave for it.

Have a good sense of humor

Not only is laughter the best medicine, it is also a good way to capture a teenage girl’s heart. Teenage girls tend to be outgoing and fun. A boring date would be a total turn off. Try to crack some jokes or funny stories about yourself. You’ll be surprised that even the embarrassing ones can be your key to her interests.

Acknowledge her

Lastly, another important thing to take note on how to attract teenage girls is to give her your time. Do not ever let her feel insecure and cheated. Teenage girls are usually in the stage of discovering more about themselves. Do not give her even a small hint that there is something wrong with her.

Some teenage girls get their confidence through their family and boyfriend’s appreciation. Do not forget to give her compliments and sweet words and gestures. A simple good night kiss on your way home will already do so.

Indeed, ways as to how to attract teenage girls are confusing and hard. There will come a time that you will have misunderstandings. Just remember to be mature enough and have patience with her. Take extra good care of your girl and she will surely stay by your side.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Online dating Tips for Teens

As teenagers, we all have these raging hormones inside of us. We tend to explore what our body is capable of doing. Not only do teenagers explore within themselves but they also tend to explore the opposite sex as well. By this, they start to socialize in the crowd and get to know other people who might catch their attention. At this stage, dating is just a very common thing to do.

Teens who are new in the dating world often think that they might just make a fool of themselves. Thus, this may result to a confidence-puller and make them shy out. Some teens tend to find help online and search for online dating tips for teens.

Online dating tips for teens are accessible for all the people. A wide variety of websites and blog sites offer a lot of insights concerning this aspect. You just have to be wise and careful in choosing them.
Here are some very useful dating tips for teen that you can find online:

If you go on a date, one important thing to take in consideration is the venue. Think early about your future setting of the date. It is better to choose a date where it is more convenient not only for your part but also for her. Here are some choices for a good date:

Theaters – Yes, watching movies in theatres may be too main stream but it is a classic move. You can choose to go on romantic comedy for a light atmosphere between you and your date, or even go watch animation films.

Dinner – A dinner date will give you more chances to communicate with your date and get to know him more. This is very convenient if the both of you are the type of people who gets along with each other easily.
Sports/Games – This is good when the both of you want to show the fun side of each other. This may even encourage both of you for some story telling as to why you love going or watching such game or sports.

Teens should wear the appropriate outfit. Do not over accessorize and be comfortable with what you are wearing. Your outfit should vary according to the venue you have chosen. If you plan to go out and play sports, then a Sunday dress would be a little more of over dressing. A simple t-shirt shorts and with your most comfortable pair of sneakers would also do. You need not to dress provocatively just to impress you date.

Lastly, other online dating tips for teens also include being real and confident, having eye contact and communication. Having done these, the rest would be as easy as pie. It is important that you should set your best foot forward and let your date see your personality. Some people would prefer personality over looks.

Having mentioned the online dating tips for teens, you should always remember to just do your best in showing the real you and let everything fall into place. Have the confidence and guts to share your thought and communicate. Just go with the flow and everything will be alright. Enjoy your date!

Dating Tips for Teens

Teenage life is a fundamental part of a person’s life. It is the stage wherein you start to discover more things about yourself. This is also the time when you start to like your opposite sex. As a teenager, we all had that time when we were troubled and confused about dating that we seem to ask just about anyone for some important dating tips for teens.

Teenagers are mostly known to be liberated but at the same time shy. This irony about teenagers may answer the question as to why most teenagers prefer to ask friends for some dating tips for teens instead of asking their parents, first. This is very understandable because most teenagers think that they might be scolded – if they have a very strict folks, or they might get teased.

So to help those teenagers who are into dating, here are some few dating tips for teens that will surely enlighten teenagers about dating.

Ask yourself “Am I ready to date?” - We all have this friend who is very happy with her boyfriend and often tells you stories about their romantic date together. After hearing the whole story, you tend to be in love with the thought of being “in love”. In this sense, we seem to seek love immediately.

 If this is the case, DO NOT GO INTO DATING. This is not the right mindset when you are about to get into dating. If you want to have a boyfriend just because you eat alone during lunch, you need a lunch buddy, not a boyfriend. Dating requires a lot of time, energy, commitment and even money. If you are not ready for these things yet, then don’t bother yourself with dating.

Avoid the “Tunnel of Just Friends” – Another important dating tips for teens is to know what you really feel about that person and confirm if that person seem to feel the same way as you do. Let’s face it, no one in this universe wants to be stuck in the friend zone. If you want to date someone, tell that person directly.

Do the first move – How would a person know you like him if you tend to freeze at the corner and just stare at him from a distance. If you are really the shy type, then use the informal way of communication. Look up his facebook account and send that person a message. Remember that you like the person and it is you who should make an impression. Make sure to use every technology or connection you have to initiate your first contact with the person you like.

Lastly, make sure to give each other a chance to grow – Always remember that you are in a stage wherein you are only slowly discovering new things about yourself. Keep in mind that your partner might also be undergoing the same thing. So make sure that you are also growing. In the process of getting to know your partner, do not forget to get to know yourself too.

A lot of dating tips for teens are available just about anywhere. Yes at this time, you can access all the information you want from the internet. However, do not disregard the power of experience.

Be not afraid of asking your parents about these kinds of situations. Who knows, they might have the best dating tips for teens that they have learned through their own experiences. Enjoy life!