Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How to Attract Teenage Girls

For teenage boys, dating has never been easy. If women are commonly known to be impulsive and indecisive, imagine them during their pubertal years. They would be the goddesses of impulsiveness and indecisiveness.

What makes it difficult for the teenage boys to mingle with teenage girls is their attitude. Most of them tend to be aggressive and they change their minds more often like they were only changing clothes. However, such situation is understandable. This is due to the changing hormones taking place wherein it affects her moods.
If you are having troubles in dating them, here are some tips on how to attract teenage girls.
Appear confident

An important secret on how to attract teenage girls is being confident. Girls tend to like boys that know how to handle themselves. Confidence can get you a long way. Just do not over wear it. If you do, you might come off as arrogant and conceited.

Another way to gather confidence is to do exercise or workouts. Teenage girls may seem to like boys who have healthy and good body figure.

Do the first move

Girls like it when boys come up to them and ask for their digits. A teenage girl prefers to be chased than to do the chasing. She would feel flattered when you approach her first. Remember when early poets get a lot of girls just by using flattering words.

Act mature

Indeed no girl in her right mind wants to date her younger brother. So do not act like one. Be mature enough to understand her situation and listen to her reasons and dilemmas because teenage girls seem to have lots of it.

Another important reminder on how to attract teenage girls is to give them all the attention they can get. Teenage girls seem to crave for it.

Have a good sense of humor

Not only is laughter the best medicine, it is also a good way to capture a teenage girl’s heart. Teenage girls tend to be outgoing and fun. A boring date would be a total turn off. Try to crack some jokes or funny stories about yourself. You’ll be surprised that even the embarrassing ones can be your key to her interests.

Acknowledge her

Lastly, another important thing to take note on how to attract teenage girls is to give her your time. Do not ever let her feel insecure and cheated. Teenage girls are usually in the stage of discovering more about themselves. Do not give her even a small hint that there is something wrong with her.

Some teenage girls get their confidence through their family and boyfriend’s appreciation. Do not forget to give her compliments and sweet words and gestures. A simple good night kiss on your way home will already do so.

Indeed, ways as to how to attract teenage girls are confusing and hard. There will come a time that you will have misunderstandings. Just remember to be mature enough and have patience with her. Take extra good care of your girl and she will surely stay by your side.

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